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daithi testing
Passionate about Pushing out the Boundaries of possibility & beyond...
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   Sports have always played a central role throughout my life. From an early age, cross-country running and team sports were a passion of mine. Travelling to and from training and running across town to be with other athletes took a lot of time and effort, but the support of my parents and family was ever present.

   For the first few years I ran barefoot in the rain, hail, sleet and snow as we could not afford spikes or running shoes. My mother had a blue, wool hat, with a white pom-pom, knitted for me to keep my head warm and distinguish me from the other athletes.










         All Ireland Cross-Country Champions LAC.                                                   Wembley United AFC U10.


   My father (My Coach), travelled to all the races and even in his disabled

state after WW11, stood in the ever changing weather, to ensure I was

properly cared for before and after each race. As a team and

individual we won many awards and honours and eventually offers

of an athletic scholarship came from the USA. The sudden death of

my father in 1975 and the responsibility that put on my mother and

family, combined with the deep loss I felt thereafter, had a tremendous

effect on my life. I remained in Ireland and it wasn’t until the late 1980s

that I returned to the track, not as a distance runner but as a sprinter.

I continued to train but was just emotionally and spiritually unable to compete.

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   It took until the late 1990s for me to sit into the 'starting blocks' and win numerous 100m, 200m and 400 metre races as a Master athlete. Thereafter I specialised in the multi-events and decathlon and was successful both nationally and internationally.


   In 2001 and 2005, I had the privilege of being captain of the Irish Masters' 4X400m relay teams at the World Championships in Australia and Spain, setting new National records, which still stand today! In 2006, with the passing of my mother, I began to discover and explore the worlds of marathon and eXtreme ultra running; Ice, Deserts, Jungles and Mountains.


          World Master Athletics Championships Australia                             World Master Athletics Championships Puerto Rico

   It is my absolute belief that all excellence in sport exist on four levels ; physical, psychological, spiritual and beyond. The synergistic journey within and between the FOUR levels is totally unique and different for each athlete. One can never be sure where and when they may occur - if ever!  As a cross-country and trail runner, sprinter, decathlete and extreme ultra-distance athlete I have experienced all four ‘worlds’ at various stages of my life.  I am universally grateful for that privilege and pray that there may be many more opportunities in the years ahead to go there and beyond, again and unconditional love, humility and truth!

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First Irish Person ever to complete the Canadian Yukon's World Toughest Ultra Marathon. 3rd Place overall. First Master Athlete, 2015.
Likeys UK

From Eagle Plains, Yukon to the banks of the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyaktuk.
A true Arctic experience - this race really does enter the Arctic Circle and can quite genuinely claim to be the Toughest, Coldest and Windiest Extreme Ultra Marathon on the Planet.

National Master Decathlon Champion and Record Holder since 2005

                    IMAA - Irish Master Athletics Association 
Set in San Sebastian, Spain, the 10 events , decathlon , Irish Master record was set by Daithí, representing Ireland, in March 2005 and stood until 2019 for the M45, V3 category. 4438 points.

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     Captain of the National Master M40 & M45, 4X400m National Record,                                                          Relays 2001, 2005.

                         IMAA - Irish Master Athletics Association

In a time of 3.47.93, Daithí led team Ireland to a new National record in San Sebastian, Spain in the 4X400m, M45, V3 relay final at the World Master Athletics Championships. Having captained the team to win World Championship, bronze medals previously in Brisbane Australia, in a  time of 3.38.59 in the  M40, V2 final in 2001, Daithi has consistently captained the 4X400m, National Master relay team in setting new records.

                              Everest Marathon 2017 - Captain Team Ireland                                         First, M5 Master Athlete home & New World Record for Team eire4everest - 'Fastest combined times of an International Team on the Highest Marathon in the World' (33.48.20).                       

New Solo Guinness World Record 2019 - The Himalayas - Nepal

' The Highest Altitude to Complete and Ultra-Marathon by an Individual' 


Dáithí Ó Murchú New GWR November 5th. 2019

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New Global Team Guinness World Record 2021

' The Most athletes Globally to complete a 10km within 24 hours'

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