Dr Daithí Ó Murchú
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - أهلا بك - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید - Welcom - 歡迎 - स्वागतम्
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela.
An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding.
Dans une grande âme tout est grand. -- In a great soul, everything is great!
Blaise Pascal

My particular skills and strengths as an Honorary Consul, entrepreneur, disruptor,
consultant, innovator, director, CEO, expert advisor, teacher and administrative leader are in building and empowering professional and community based teams in creating and designing for 'exceptional', 'transformative', 'creative' and 'sustainable' working and learning environments.
Many of the National and International 'AI, stainability and empowerment' projects I am leading and have had the privilege to lead, are and were situated in challenging professional and socio-economic areas. I love what I do, believing that people sense that passion in me. I always strive to ignite that passion in others! This is a privilege.
My sporting life as an athlete, decathlete, and extreme-ultra-athlete and my national and international challenges and successes representing my country, have given me the empirical and holistic experiences to share my love, practise and hunger for life with so many people. We are all on a journey...... a daily conscious and mindful 'Camino' when we are truly present. We are all uniquely gifted in our own way.
As a 'change-leader' and professional I have learned that teamwork, honesty, integrity, transparency, accountability, fearlessness and empathy, sometimes with 'tough love', but always with mutual respect, are key to success. My door is always open no matter how challenging a situation may be. My management style has forever been founded on these truths. Moreover, the numerous key-note presentations, invited appearances and publications I have given globally exude my passion for the ‘ Je ne sais quoi!’ - The uncertainty in an ever changing world, where we are often challenged to lead into unchartered ‘waters’ in the consciousness of the 'NOW'. I have often referred to this reality as Mindfully acknowledging the consciousness of Being Present in our bodies 'Now', as that is all we really have!’ Stagnation is never an option in business, education, disruption, sports, diplomacy, innovation, transformation, consultancy or leadership.
As the founding director of Irishtourism Ltd. and Discoveringireland in the late 1990s, CEO of JITL & DAS Pathways in the late 2000s and President of RCEEDAO, NGO (EU Mission) Ireland in 2017 and through various other directorships, my journey with emerging and future concepts and innovations has led me to a deeper understanding of sustainable, pioneering and transformative global trends. My association with international interests in transformative change management, innovation, computational and design thinking, creative problem solving, international marketing, education, tourism, business and consultancy has afforded me the privilege of experiencing first-hand, the cutting edge
of global and emerging opportunities.
I was privileged to be a founding member and Principal teacher of both Primary and Secondary, minority language and disadvantaged schools, in environments where 'the system' was often failing students of exceptionally able, differently-able and special abilities. Together we created Learning Environments in which these students, their teachers, communities and families could excel and be fulfilled in their journey together as a vibrant COP -community of practice. At both national and international levels, from 1985 to 2020, we sought after evolving, best practice in all areas of education, inclusion, empowerment, pluralism, equality, diversity and citizenship to ensure we were providing the BEST environments possible in preparing students of all ages to excel. Our record both nationally and internationally is a testament, today, to our success as a Team.
Today I am honoured to have been again appointed as the Chairperson of Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire, an all-Irish, co-ed, primary School, Dublin, Éire, founded in 1931 and presently under the Patronage of the Arch-Diocese of Dublin and the trusteeship of ERST (Edmund Rice Schools' Trust). We are in the process of constructing a new school building, in the heart of Dublin city, to cater for the ever demanding needs and wishes of families from all strata of modern society, wishing to have their children educated through the medium of Irish within a 21 Century vision.
My interest in international education and technology began as far back as 1985 with the European PLATO and trans-National projects and continued to evolve through the EU ARISTOTLE and COMENIUS projects right up to the HORIZON + projects 2014-2026. These opportunities enable me to experience, and often lead so many wonderful and innovative, community based projects, which feed my passion for teaching, learning and Designing For Meaningful Learning (DFML). Moreover, Pan-European, Trans-National and Life-Long learning projects have always been part of my professional life and I have, as principal teacher, disruptor, chairperson, director, advisor and consultant, encouraged organisations to avail of every opportunity to open their minds to new possibilities, 'NOW'.
Parents, as key players and stakeholders in schools, also play a central role in this vision to prepare students for the society, which does not yet exist! Today’s learners – Tomorrow’s creative, empathetic and innovative leaders - NOW. #nextGenerationEU
My journey from Bachelor of Education to Master degree in Innovation, Business and management and onwards to Doctorate level in technology, linguistics and education has also afforded me the privilege of experiencing life's realities on a daily basis. In Gaelic Irish we refer to this as ‘ciall ceannaithe’….. ‘ acquired or bought wisdom’. I thank the Universal Energies for the challenge of this journey so far and I strive to Consciously and Mindfully embrace each moment with unconditional gratitude.
Daithí Ó Murchú
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