Dr Daithí Ó Murchú
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - أهلا بك - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید - Welcom - 歡迎 - स्वागतम्
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela.
An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding.
Dans une grande âme tout est grand. -- In a great soul, everything is great!
Blaise Pascal

New Guinness World Record 2019
GWR Reference: 190521212600whum
GWR Race Viewer: http://yb.tl/dom2019
Expert GWR partner : https://www.mountexperience.com/
Expert Global Positioning Tracker :http://ybtracking.com/index
Expert Recording of the event : http://redboxvr.co.uk/
Expert Independent Witness & Guide- Phurba Tashi - Summited Everest 21 Times. Holds the World Record for Summiting Mountains over 8000m, 30 times. Powered by Prana - Pranic Healing in Ireland - https://www.facebook.com/PranicHealinginIreland/
“Highest altitude to complete an ultra-marathon distance by an individual”
“An t-airde is airde chun achar ultra-mharatón a chríochnú ag duine aonair”
"Plus haute altitude pour parcourir une distance ultra-marathon individuelle"

A New Guinness World Record set by Daithí on November 5, 2019 from the peak of Kala Patthar (5645.5m) near Gorak Shep and Everest Base camp to Namche Bazaar, traversing mountain passes and glaciers via the Cho-La Pass 5420m and The Ranjo Pass 5340m, including running to the summit of Gokyo Ri 5350m - Average, minimum altitude exceeded 4810m for the record. *See Route below.
"The highest Altitude to complete an Ultra-Marathon by an individual".
Namaste. This GWR, in association with Mountain Experience (ME), Kathmandu, was in aid of the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu rural municipality's education and development programme, which is ME's,committed CSR charity. Since the devastating earthquake in 2015, which decimated the whole district, efforts are on-going to rebuild schools and provide vital services.
This New GWR, by Daithí will continue to assist their efforts to regain normality of everyday life through Mountain Experience's on-going fundraising and Charity - CSR commitments. Moreover it now recognises Mountain Experience - ME Everest Marathon 2020 and Beyond - as the only official Marathon event in Nepal, to have achieved a coveted GWR Record, in continuing to promote and support the Education and Development programmes in the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu region.

Global Goodwill Ambassador 2020

Daithí having set a new GWR on Nov. 5, 2019 was appointed as Global Tourism and Sports Goodwill Ambassador by Minister Bhattarai, Nepal to promote Visit Nepal 2020 and he is now also the first,' ME Everest Marathon 2020 and Beyond Global Ambassador' appointed by Mountain Experience directors, Chhuldim Temba Sherpa and Tamding Sherpa to endorse and promote their mutual, passionate commitment to the Khumbu Pasang Lhamu municipality. "It is indeed a privilege and an honour to have been appointed Global Ambassador for Visit Nepal 2020 and ME International".
The GWR Route

The Technology - ybtracking
Minister for Culture,Tourism and Civil Aviation Hon. Yogesh Bhattari, Gov. of Nepal, officially celebrates GWR attempt at government buildings, Kathmandu

CEO of Nepal Tourism Board, Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi, officially welcomes Daithí at the NTB offices to acknowledge his New GWR in the Himalayas.

EXCITING News. 'ME Everest Marathon 2020 and Beyond' Lifetime Experiences !
Your Unique Opportunity to Experience ' Visit Nepal 2020' with Sherpa Experts at Mountain Experience and be Part of the World's Most Exciting Running and Trekking Event. 30 years of Expert experience and Service to Nepal and the World.
When? Late October/early November 2020 (Final dates TBD). Applications of Interest Now Open. Be Brave..be Bold.. Be Unique..Be You!!
Click Here to show your interest.

Mountain Experience -Company Licence no. 521/057 Nepal. mail@mountexperience.com https://www.mountexperience.com/