Dr Daithí Ó Murchú
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - أهلا بك - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید - Welcom - 歡迎 - स्वागतम्
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela.
An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding.
Dans une grande âme tout est grand. -- In a great soul, everything is great!
Blaise Pascal

Personal Introduction
‘To Empower and Change the life of One Child, within every human being’.
I began my teaching career in the 1970s and up to today, I have been elected, appointed and contracted to numerous positions nationally and internationally as Principal teacher, external consultant and expert advisor, university fellow, director of post-graduate studies and inspector, and transformation and disruptive technologies’, XR, AI lead innovator. Since 1999, I am CEO of several companies globally, and an advisory board member, editor-in-chief, and expert reviewer for numerous international organisations and bodies. Since 2019 I am an authorized, global mandate for His Royal Highness Sheikh Mohamed Salim Al Sabah of Kuwait. I was honoured in 2020, to be appointed as Honorary Consul for Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa to Ireland. In 2019 also, I was also appointed Global Sports and Tourism Ambassador for Visit Nepal 2020 by HE. Minister Yogesh Bhatarrai, Nepal.
Educational attainment -abridged
** B.Ed. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick 1977-1980.
** Diploma in Special Education, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick 1987.
** Diploma in technology (ICT), Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick 1989.
** Post-Graduate Diploma in Curriculum Studies, 1994, TCD, Dublin.
** Post-Graduate Diploma in Management Studies, 1995, TCD, Dublin.
** M.St. Master of Studies in Curriculum innovation and Management
1996.Trinity College Dublin, TCD.
** PhD. Aalborg University. Denmark
** EdD. Lincoln University. UK.
** MBA. ENEB Business School and Universidad Isabel I. Barcelona S.L.
** MBC. Master in Business and Corporate Communication . Escuela de Negocios
Europea de Barcelona S.L.
**TEFL & IELTS, Advanced Levels. IARC -International Accreditation and Recognition
Council, UK.
**O A Dip. Sustainable Living – CoE - International Accreditation and Recognition
Council, UK.
**O A Dip. Psychology & Advanced Psychology. Online Academies, College Guild of
Graduates Register. UK.
**O A Dip. Diet and Nutritional Advisor – CoE - International Accreditation and
Recognition, Council, UK.
**O A Dip. Master Herbalist. Online Academies, College Guild of Graduates Register. UK.
**Dip. Sports Nutrition. Shaw Academy, CPD Certification Services.
Register. Irl.
**Dip. Mindfulness-Based CBT (MCBT), CoE, IAHT,IANLPC,
**O A Dip. Advanced. Mindfulness based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Online
Academies. College Guild of Graduates Register. UK. Registration number:
**O A Dip. Counselling Children and Adolescents. Online Academies. College Guild of
Graduates Register. UK. Registration number: OA104553
Professional experience at elementary, second level & university & other (Abridged)
2020-2024: National Contact Point lead in EUN, SCIENTIX4, STEAM Programmes.
2018-2024: National, lead co-ordinator for the Department of Education & Skills Irl. DEIS, summer literacy and wellbeing camps in disadvantaged primary schools.
2014-2026: National advisor, validator, assessor and consultant for the Digital Schools of Distinction (Irl/EU-DSoD/DSoE) Awards and ERASMUS + (Irl & EU). DWEC.
2019-2026: Lead Facilitator for Creative and Digital Clusters/ Schools of Excellence, Ireland under government initiatives to transform STEAM Education.
2020-2026: Lead Expert in EU ERASMUS+ AI, Sustainability, Astronomy, Assessment, Emerging Technologies, SDGs, Digital an Green projects in all schools, with Education centres of Ireland.
2000-2024: Keynote and guest speaker at global, education, emerging technologies, disruption, diversity, biodiversity, creativity and business transformation conferences.
1985-2026: Lead-Expert, coordinator and advisor to National, European and International projects in XR, AI, emerging technologies, biodiversity, sustainability, disruption, inclusion, Digital and Green, diversity, innovation, transformation, assessment, education, leadership, management, linguistics, minority languages, multi/inter-culturalism, tribal education and curriculum design.
1996-2024: Inspector, consultant, advisor, lecturer and designer of Special Education, ICT programmes and CPD - continuing professional development courses for teachers, business and education professionals. PISA. SSE. TIMSS. STEM/STEAM/STREAMS ERASMUS+.
2002-2020: Executive vice-president of Non-Human languages and Technology with SITE, American Association of Computers in Education, USA.
2009-2014: Principal teacher in Ladyswell National School, Dublin, Ireland.
2014: Professional facilitator for the National Induction Programme for Newly Appointed, Primary School Teachers (NQTs), Ireland.
2001-2013: Director and inspector of All-Gaelic methodologies, post-graduate programmes of blended, e-learning, professional development. Hibernia College, Ireland.
2010-2013: Assistant director and inspector of STEM/STEAM based programmes (Ped Op2) for post-graduate, primary teachers’, Professional Diploma in Teaching (PDT), Ireland.
2004-2013: International consultant on the Co-Dan/Virt Dan linguistics and technology projects with the International Universities in Denmark.
2013: Keynote Speaker at Higher Education Authority's National Debate on Accessibility to 3rd Level Education and at the ERASMUS+ Conference.
2006-2012: Appointed to the EU Expert Boards of CRELL & The Future Forum of Learning To Learn (L2L) in the 21 Century.
2002-2009: Cultural and technology advisor to ‘Euroschools’ to promote European vision and EU Dimension in communities.
2000-2009: Appointed as National researcher in technology usage and teacher/student roles in language classrooms in Ireland, Europe and specific schools in the USA.
2006: Appointed by the Dir. General EU Commission to undertake the National administration of the SAFT questionnaire on Internet behaviour and safety in Ireland and Europe.
1998–2001: Seconded as Research Fellow in Trinity College, Dublin to design Master programmes in ICT, Knowledge Management and Minority languages. Seconded to MIC. University of Limerick. Master Programmes in M.Ed and Undergraduate B.Ed. programmes.
1985–2009: Principal teacher in Gaelscoil Ó Doghair, National School, Ireland.
1980–1985: Primary school teacher in Waterford and Limerick - educationally disadvantaged schools (DEIS, Band 1)