Dr Daithí Ó Murchú
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - أهلا بك - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید - Welcom - 歡迎 - स्वागतम्
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela.
An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding.
Dans une grande âme tout est grand. -- In a great soul, everything is great!
Blaise Pascal

Latest News and Updates
Appointed to TG4 Comhairle Lucht Feachana 2020-2025. https://www.tg4.ie/en/corporate/tg4-board/
Appointed Global Goodwill Ambassador by Minsiter Bhatarrai, for Visit Nepal
Great News. The GWR attempt 2019 has been accepted by GWR.
The New GWR - Record was achieved and set on November 5th 2019.
An honour and a Privilege to have Phurba Tashi as a Sherpa Guide.
Phurba summited Everest 21 times. He holds the record for the
most total ascents of mountain peaks over 8000m (30 in total).
Other EXCITING News. 'ME Everest Marathon 2022 and Beyond'
Your Unique Opportunity to Experience ' Tourism Nepal 2025' with Sherpa Experts at Mountain Experience and be Part of the World's Most Exciting Running and Trekking Event at the Top of the World - Almost!! 30 years of Expert experience and Service to Nepal and the World.
When? Late October/early November 2025 (Final dates TBD). Applications of Interest Now Open. Be Brave..Be Bold.. Be Unique..Be You!!
Click Here to show your interest.
Appointed as a Company Director with Earth Tread (PTY) Ltd. S.Africa. Company Reg. No. 2012/019397/07 https://earthtread.en.ec21.com/. Sustainable Waste-to-Energy, which ecologically manufactures a range of Rubber Building materials, rubber interlocking paving bricks & rubber roof tiles from recycled tyres throughout South Africa providing much needed employment to those communities most in need.
Appointed by His Royal Highness, Sheikh Mohamed Salim Al Sabah of the House of Al Sabah, Kuwait as his Global mandate for Renewable Energy, Desert-to-Green, Ethical commodity trades and all other relevant and pertinent projects, and investments.
House of Lords, Dublin. With His Excellency, Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Indian Ambassador to Ireland. December 2018.
HE. Mr. Arthur French. Lord Brian Parker. HE. Mr. Sandeep Kumar. HE. Dr. Daithí Ó Murchú. Mr. Greame Millington. Mr. Prashant Shulka. President Ireland /India Council.
Nepal-Ireland Day 2018. Invited Expert Speaker and Presenter at Farmleigh House Estate, Dublin. The Embassy of Nepal in London, Nepal Ireland Society, Nepal Tourism Board, and NRNA Ireland jointly organized 'Nepal Ireland Day' on 9th September 2018, to promote “Experience Nepal - Cuisine and Culture” campaign and celebrate the 19th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nepal and Ireland. The event was a huge success with more than 8000 visitors.
June 2018, The second visit of H.E.M Georges ABOUA, S.E.M. Ambassadeur de la Cote d’Ivoire au Royaume Uni et de l’Irlande, to Ireland from July 06 to July 10.
As CEO of DAS Pathways Ltd, our team arranged for Mr. Aboua and his economic advisor Mr. Serge Siaba to meet with various interested parties, with a view to discussing mutual
interests and to organising our second, Economic Mission to the Ivory Coast in October 2018.
My appointment as consultant advisor to three innovative and transformative companies in Russia, Slovenia and Bahrain.
2018: International Consultant and Expert Advisor in 'Brain-Space' Node of Blockchain certification with IMPERIVM, Russia. https://brain-space.io/
2018: International Consultant in Global Innovation and design partnerships in Open-Source Protocols for decentralized certification with 0xcert, Slovenia. https://0xcert.org/
2018: International consultant advisor in evolving design and innovative practices in Virtual Reality to Munfarid Consulting Co. S.P.C. Bahrain. https://www.munfarid.org/
December 2017: The successful completion of The Everest Marathon in November 2017 by Team @eire4everest and the setting of a NEW, team World Record, (Combined times of an International team of athletes) for the event on the Highest Marathon in the World.