Dr Daithí Ó Murchú
Fáilte - Welcome! Bienvenu - أهلا بك - 환영합니다 - ترحيب - Ẹ ku abọ - خوش آمدید - Welcom - 歡迎 - स्वागतम्
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela.
An rud nach fiú é a lorg, ní fiú í a fháil — What is not worth seeking, is not worth finding.
Dans une grande âme tout est grand. -- In a great soul, everything is great!
Blaise Pascal

Publications, Keynotes and Appearances
Dr. Daithí Ó Murchú
Publications, Keynotes and Appearances: Abridged (2024-2001)
Ó Murchú, D. (2024). Several Keynotes, workshops, webinars, panel discussions, and presentations globally concerning GenAI, Sustainability Citizenship, Disruption, Access to Higher Education, Assessment/AI, Teacher Academies, International Comparative Studies LfE, Astronomy, Game-Based Learning, and so much more. Look to my LinkedIn profile and X @omurchud for updates.
Most recent in Netherlands in Disrupting the Mould/GenAI (ESHA), Food Waste, Athens in AI and Rural Education, University of Cyprus and Disruption in Assessment and Curriculum design, EU in GenAI and 21 Century Transformation in Education. Catalonia, Spain in Fintech and Business Consultancy with AI and Portugal in AI and emerging technologies.
Ó Murchú. D. (2023). DEC23 SETU, Waterford Ireland. Keynote. Digital Education Conference. 'Breaking The Mou
Ó Murchú. D. (2023). PODCAST EdTech Ireland - Episode 2. Transforming Classrooms: The Impact of Technology in Education. https://www.exploringedtech.ie/podcast/episode-2
Ó Murchú, D. (2023). Several workshops, webinars, keynotes and presentations globally concerning AI/AIoT, and Generative AI, Transformative/Transformational Leadership, EDTech and Creativity, EU Standardisation, Change Management, Biodiversity, Inclusion, Sustainability, Emerging technologies, Assistive technologies, Robotics, Tribal languages and communities. TB Updated asap. https://ai4edu.eu/ - http://astronomine.erasmusplus.website/ - https://synapses-academies.eu/ - https://learningfromtheextremes.eu/ - https://www.secondyou.eu/
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Keynote. Ireland India Council. 'Renewable energies and Ireland 2022 - The Future is Now' -Opportunities In Education & Renewable Energy Sectors Between Ireland & India. https://indiairelandcouncil.ie/
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Keynote. 'Digital Assessment supporting 21st Century Learning'. DALDIS ERASMUS+ project, DCU, Dublin Ireland. https://www.daldis.eu/ and http://jcquest.ie/
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Keynote. '21 Century Multi-literacies, story-telling and disruption - The journeys Together, Apart', 3rd Annual International Neurodiversity and the Built Environment Symposium: Place Making https://www.jeffersonhealth.org/your-health/classes-and-events/third-annual-international-neurodiversity-symposium
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Keynote. Creative Clusters Schools of Excellence. Government of Ireland. ' Kids need to Maslow before they can BLOOM'. Nationally, F2F. https://www.creativeireland.gov.ie/en/news/269-new-schools-added-to-creative-schools-creative-clusters-initiatives/
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Keynote. 'AI Financial Literacy - How young students perceive the Future of Now'. EU ERASMUS+ Conference , Cork. Ireland. https://tel.cit.ie/sfinlit
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Several Keynote presentations in EU, Asia, US and Oceania areas . TB Updated asap.
Ó Murchú, D. (2022). Several workshops, keynotes and presentations globally concerning Creativity, EU Standardisation, Biodiversity, Inclusion, Sustainability, Emerging technologies, transformative education, Assistive technologies, Robotics, Tribal languages and communities. TB Updated asap. https://www.secondyou.eu/
Ó Murchú, D. (2021). Keynote. 'STEM MAD - Making a Difference'. Melbourne, Archdiocese Australia. https://vimeo.com/631661430/8d47ed91bf
Ó Murchú, D. (2021). SCIENTIX 4 Conference European Schoolnet. ' STE(A)M Partnerships - Pilot projects – STREAMS Education'. https://youtu.be/wzGJ3aLvdTQ
Ó Murchú, D. (2021). SCIENTIX 4 Conference European Schoolnet. 'Best Practices and Lessons Learned'. https://youtu.be/r5wmykiv02k
Ó Murchú, D. (2021). ' When Reality ends, Imagination begins. Designing for Creativity and Wellbeing in an Artistic Paradise School Garden' . National Arts in Education Conference . Government of Ireland. https://youtu.be/gkQ2Ko5bt6o
Ó Murchú, D. (2021). 'Creative Clusters, Magical Gardens, STEAM and Kindfulness - A Journey Beyond Covid'. Workshop. Teaching Council of Ireland, Féilte 2021. https://vimeo.com/641919213? mbedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=10318838
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). Keynote. 'Lessons from Extreme Athletics that apply to Emerging Technologies and the Future of Education'. DigiEduHack Dublin 2020. https://digieduhack.com/en/dublin-2020-digieduhack-dublin
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). 'Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Education', online pilot workshop for Ministries for Education. EU Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation. PPMI & EUN.
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). ' Transformative STREAMS Education- Schools Holistically Embracing the Challenges of the twin Transitions of Digital and Green'. Innovate Learning Summit 2020 (Online, United States) AACE - Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, United States.
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). Keynote. 'Moving beyond STEM Towards STREAMS Education- (RE) Learning and Embracing the Challenges of The 4th Industrial Revolution and the Internet of Things in 21 Century Classrooms'. Virtual global learning innovation festival, (RE)Learn. https://relearn2020.sched.com/event/fBeD/moving-beyond-stem-towards-streams-education-re-learning-and-embracing-the-challenges-of-the-4th-industrial-revolution-and-the-internet-of-things-in-21-century-classrooms
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). ' Disruptive ways and Innovative Approaches to (RE)Learning and Learning Environments - Authentic, Contextualized, and Real-World Learning'. Workshop. Virtual global learning innovation festival, (RE)Learn. https://relearn2020.sched.com/event/fBeJ/innovative-approaches-to-relearning-and-learning-environments-authentic-contextualized-and-real-world-learning
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). 'A Student-led initiative -Bio-Diversity- ACTION- Sustainability. One Small Step – One Giant Leap'. Climate Action Network for International Educators - CANIE. https://www.can-ie.org/
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). 'Bio-Diversity- Sustainability - Mindfulness - Creativity & 21 Century Digital Learning -Truly Democratic coNstructionism in Action in Schools'. Workshop. Teaching Council of Ireland, Féilte 2020. https://vimeo.com/463438251/7947675e6b
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). 'The Creative Child within us all - The key to successfully addressing SDGs' - Carbon Online Conference & Exhibition. https://www.carbonconference.ie/
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). Plenary Keynote. '21 Century Disruptive Education- Innovation, Transformation and Opportunity knocks!'. 'Zayed's Legacy' - Zayed University, College of Education, Dubai.
Ó Murchú, D. (2020). 'Bio-Diversity, Sustainability, Mindfulness and Creativity in a 21 Century Technology Enhanced World'. DWEC, Dublin Ireland. https://bb77b022-01e7-403d-b6b3-054a47d685ca.usrfiles.com/ugd/bb77b0_405ff36c21ed47519886dd4a51a322b8.ppt
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). RTÉ Radio 1. 'Saturday with Cormac - A review of the year that was - Chatting all things Change 2019'. https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/11135742 (The second hour of the broadcast).
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). Keynote (Remote). 'Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mindfulness (iM) in 21 Century Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Disadvantaged Elementary Schools'. AUCEi International Conference, Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter Campus. USA.
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). "Cambridge Assessment International Schools -Teacher and Leader Standards - An Innovative Review based on Creativity Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2021". Mumbai, India.
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). "Developing and implementing a holistic Rubric and algorithm for effective, creative and sustainable whole-school review". Mumbai, India.
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). "Blended Learning and 21 Century iTechnologies -Collaborative and Sustainable, Evolving best practices in 21 Century education at 3rd level". Nobel College and Prof. Pathak. Kathmandu, Nepal. http://nobelcollege.edu.np/
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). 'Preparing mentally and Spiritually to Go Beyond'. Media Press interview - Press Meet at Hotel Yukhang with Media Corps, Kathmandu, Nepal. October 2019.
Ó Murchú, D. (2019). R na G le Cormac Ó hEadhra. "Plé a dhéanamh ar fholláine, lúthchleasaíocht agus taifid dhomhanda". Radió na Gaeltachta. RTÉ. Éire.
Ó Murchú, D. (2018). 'Mrs. J.J. Murphy. All Ireland Champion Lady Piper' in Limerick Music Throughout the Decades - The History Of Limerick Music from 1800 to 2018', Ed . Patrick Edward Brennan. ISBN: 9786100001031 https://www.ilovelimerick.ie/limerick-music-2/
Ó Murchú, D. (2018). Expert Keynote on ' Everest, EBC, Helambu Trail, Gokyo Ri and Nepal'. Mountaineering and Marathon Trail running in Nepal. Nepal- Ireland Day, 2018. http://www.nepalireland.org/news-archive/nepalirelandday2018concludedsuccessfully
Ó Murchú, D. (2018). Keynote and Round Table Discussion, 'Blockchain IDEAology' Blockchain Technology Conference , Dublin, Ireland. https://www.1point21gws.com/
Ó Murchú, D. (2018). 'i-Learning – Stage 2 of the Enculturation of 21st. Century Life and Learning. Teacher and Student Roles and Mindfulness'. Voices in Education. ICT in Education Conference. Limerick Institute of Technology, Thurles Campus, Ireland. http://lit.ie/ictedu
Ó Murchú, D. (2018). Keynote Presenter on 'Digital Learning and Design Thinking', DWEC, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2017). Keynote Panelist on 'DIVERSITY & EMBRACING DIFFERENCE - SALESFORCE WOMEN'S NETWORK EVENT Ireland. Dublin.
Ó Murchú, D. (2017). 'A/r/tography and Mindful Consciousness in Research.' Research to Empower Educational Leaders - R.E.E.L. Seminar. Dublin. Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2016). Keynote. 'Mindfulness in Business and Going Beyond your Perceived Limits'. AIB, IT Partner Management Team Offsite Conference. Dublin. Ireland
Ó Murchú, D. (2016). Keynote. 'Mindfulness and iLearning in Schools - The Conscious 'I' within the 'i'. AUCEi International Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. https://vimeo.com/187488182
Ó Murchú, D. (2016). Keynote. 'Mindfulness and Conscious Living', Sport Ireland. Olympic and Paralympic Coaching Seminar, Dublin , Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2016). Keynote. 'Making and Impact that Matters - Living Our Purpose', Deloitte Consulting, Dublin , Ireland. https://www.slideshare.net/DrDaithMurch/deloitte-2016-drdaithiomurchu-final
Ó Murchú, D. (2015). 'Some Foods For Peak Health and Performance', Irish Mountain Running Association, 2015 Yearbook', Dublin , Ireland. https://www.imra.ie/
Ó Murchú, D. (2015). Keynote. ‘Universal Design for Learning: innovation in promoting inclusive best practice in today's schools’. Universal Design for Learning Network. European Seminar. Dublin. Ireland. http://udlnet-project.ea.gr/content/seminar-universal-design-learning-innovation-promoting-inclusive-best-practice-todays
Ó Murchú, D. (2015). Keynote. 'The Hidden Truths – How Teachers Really Perceive Technology-Enhanced Learning’. AUCEi International Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.aucei.net/dublin-2015.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2015). Keynote: ‘Developing Dynamic Teachers and Coaches’. Swim Ireland National Conference, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.slideshare.net/DrDaithMurch/swim-ireland-2015-daithiomurchu
Ó Murchú, D. (2014). Keynote. 'It's Life Jim - The Personal Journey and Instinctive Decisions of an Entrepreneur'. The Small Business Expo of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.xclusive.ie/famed-irish-business-experts-speak-2014-ireland-small-business-expo-seminar-kileen-omurchu-team-aib-others/
Ó Murchú, D. (2014). Keynote. 'Creating a Culture of Innovation and Excellence'. Irish Institute of Sport, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.slideshare.net/DrDaithMurch/irish-sports-institute-2014-daithiomurchu
Ó Murchú, D. (2014). Keynote. 'Leadership in Adversity ‐ A Personal Philosophy'. Irish Institute of Sport, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.instituteofsport.ie
Ó Murchú, D. (2014). Keynote. 'Spark the Imagination'. CESI, Galway, Ireland. http://www.cesi.ie/speakers/keynote-speakers-2014/
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). A Critical Framework for the Future of i-Technologies in 21 Century Schools. CESI 4.0. Back To Our Future. Galway, Ireland. http://www.cesi.ie/pw/a-critical-framework-for-the-future-of-i-technologies-in-21-century-schools/
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). The future of i-Learning, to boldly go towards 2050. AUCEI Conference 2013 (Association of Ubiquitous and Collaborative Educators international). Florida, USA. http://www.aucei.net/2013-presentations.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). Pluralism, Multi-Culturalism and Equality of Access to Higher Education _ We are your Future. HEA conference on equality of access to higher education. Dublin, Ireland. http://www.hea.ie/en/policy/national-access-office/how-equal-conference-access-higher-education-ireland-0#!
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). The Public Debate on Equality of Access to Higher Education. HEA conference on equality of access to higher education. Dublin, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). Multi-culturalism and the use of IT in schools. National IT Training Conference 2013 from ICS Skills. Dublin. http://www.ics-skills.ie/trainingconf/
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). Ubi Ire - Quo Vadis. Early Childhood Care and Education - BA Students. ITB. Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). Integrated learning for the 21 Century - A cross-cultural perspective: the Irish experience. IICE Conference, Dublin. Ireland. http://www.iicedu.org/Home.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2013). Irish Primary Education: Challenges and Opportunities. HEA Seminar on Learning Mobility in Teacher Education. Dublin, Ireland. http://www.eurireland.ie/erasmus-programme-2013/learning-mobility-in-teacher-education-seminar.2111.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2012). Who Dares Wins. The Evolllution. Illuminating the Lifelong Learning Movement. http://www.evolllution.com/2012/02/
Ó Murchú, D. (2012). 21st Century i-Learning. The Need for A Critical Framework for An Open Discovery Space. Dublin, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2011). i-Learning - Stage 2 of the Enculturation of 21st Century Life and Sustainable Learning. EDEN. UCD. Dublin, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2010). Why Teach i-Teach. CESI, Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. (2010). Technology and transformative learning in the 21st Century. http://www.cybertext.net.au/inet_s7wk1/index.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2010). Aoi-chainteoir. Todhchaí na Gaeilge agus na meáin teicneolaíochta. Comhar na Múinteoir Gaeilge ag Comhdhail Naisiúnta na Gaeilge. Baile Átha Cliath.
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). Keynote SMART Technologies, iTechnology in Learning &Teaching in the 21st Century. BETT Conference, Olympia, London, UK. http://terry-freedman.org.uk/artman/publish/article_1483.php
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). Projects in Mobile Learning – Concepts and Approaches. London, UK. http://www.mirandanet.ac.uk/mirandamods/january09_mod.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). Mirandanet. On-Line. Intercultural Education and blended-Learning in the 21st Century. Braided Learning E-Journal. www.mirandanet.ac.uk
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). E-Exceptionalities and the 21st Century Classroom. BETT Conference. London, UK. http://terry-freedman.org.uk/artman/publish/article_1483.php
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). Teaching and Learning - Technology Gaining Vision. CESI Conference. Dublin, Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. & Sorensen, E.K. (2009). i-Learning – The Enculturation of 21st Century Life and Learning. 3rd WLE Mobile Learning Symposium. London, UK. http://symposium.londonmobilelearning.net/?page=Programme
Ó Murchú, D. Weber, R. Gibson, I. & Carlsen, R. (2009). Cutting-edge tools and Convergerences for the 21st Century Curricula: An International Vision. SITE. Charleston, SC. USA.
Ó Murchú, D. (2009). Global iTechnology in Learning & Teaching in the 21st.Century. CESI. Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. & Demetriou, L. (2009). i Technology in Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century. Professional Development - A Critical Framework. Education in a Changing Environment – Critical Voices, Critical Times. University of Salford, UK.
Ó Murchú, D. (2008). Enhancing Learning Through Technology with all Exceptionalities. CESI. Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. (2008). Practical reality of EeePC and ‘MiTechnology’ usage and Integrated Content Management Systems towards enhanced communities of Learners. Internet Experience in Education Conference. Tipperary Institute, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2008). Keynote. Creating User-friendly Language Learning Environments. Children in Europe Conference. Donegal, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2008). Technology and Learning in The 21st Century. Internet Experience in Education Conference. Tipperary Institute, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2008). The EeePC Generation Z – Ubiquitous Communication - Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Primary Classroom. DICE Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2007). Learning to Learn and Interactive Whiteboard Technologies. CESI. Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. (2007). Interactive Technologies, Active Citizenship and Learning to Learn, A Global Challenge.
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference. VA:AACE. Chesapeake, Texas, USA.
Ó Murchú, D. & Sorensen, E.K. (2007). Pedagogical Design of Dialogic eLearning-to-Learn – A Meta-Perspective. Proceedings of the 13th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: The Future of Open and Distance Learning. Maddingly Hall, Cambridge, UK.
Ó Murchú, D. (2007). Leaning to Learn. m-Learning and the Use of ICT. NERA Conference. Turku, Finland. http://congress.utu.fi/nera07/SYMPOSIUM_11.pdf
Ó Murchú, D. (2007). Keynote. In my own words: services for young children in a multilingual society. Children in Europe Conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Sorensen, E. K. & Ó Murchú, D. (2006). Identifying an Appropriate, Pedagogical, Networked Architecture for Online Learning Communities within Higher and Continuing Education. In E. K. Sorensen & D. Ó Murchú (Eds.), Enhancing Learning Through Technology. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Inc. (pp. 226-251)
Sorensen, E. K. & Ó Murchú, D. (Eds.) (2006). Enhancing Leaning Through Technology. ISBN 159140972-1 Idea Group International. Information Science Publishing, Hershey, PA 17033, USA.
Sorensen, E & Ó Murchú, D. (2005). Developing the Architecture of Online Learning Communities: Designing the Walls of The Learning Space. Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: The Future of Open and Distance Learning. Maddingly Hall, Cambridge, UK.
Sorensen, E.K., Jedeskog, G. & Ó Murchú, D. (2005): Teachers and Innovative Use of ICT - A Marriage Searching for Quality. Second ELFE Conference in the European eLearning Forum for Education and EU-Union Policy on Use of ICT in Schools. Comwell Borupgaard, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ó Murchú, D. (2005): Keynote: CESI Conference, Dublin, Ireland. www.cesi.ie
Ó Murchú, D. (2005). Plenary Lecture: ISTA Conference, Carlow IT, Ireland. www.ista.ie
Ó Murchú, D. & Muirhead, B. (2005). Quality Issues in Managed Learning Environments & Language Learning: American Perspectives on Irish Pre-service Teachers. Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning: The Future of Open and Distance Learning, held September 20-23, 2005, Madingly Hall, Cambridge.
Ó Murchú, D. & Muirhead, B. (2005). Practical Strategies for Teaching Computer-Mediated Classes. Educational Technology & Society 4(2) 2001 ISSN 1436-4522.
Ó Murchú, D. & Muirhead, B. (2005). Insights into Promoting Critical Thinking in OnLine Classes. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning. Vol. 2. No. 6. ISSN1550-6908 http://www.itdl.org/Journal/Jun_05/article01.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2005). New Teacher and Student Roles in the Technology-Supported, Language Classroom. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning. Vol 2. No. 2. ISSN 1550-6908 http://www.itdl.org/Journal/Feb_05/article01.html
Ó Murchú, D. & Sorensen, E.K. (2004): Kollaborativ og dialogisk læring i online master-praksisfællesskaber. In Heilesen, S. B. (ed.): Det digitale nærvær. Viden og design af nye medier. 2004. Copenhagen, Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag. (pp. 95-111). ISBN 87-7867-267-8
Ó Murchú, D. & Sorensen, E.K. (2004): Online Master Communities of Practice: Collaborative Learning in an Intercultural Perspective. In European Journal of Open and Distance Learning, Vol. 2004/I. http://www.eurodl.org/
Sorensen, E.K. & Ó Murchú, D. (2004): Designing Online Learning Communities of Practice: A Democratic Perspective. In Journal of Educational Multimedia. Vol 29, Issue 3
Weber, R., Millwood, R., Kumpulainen, K., Freeman, E., Ó Murchu, D., FitzGibbon, A., Oldham, E. & Sorensen, E. (2004). Addressing Barriers of Information Technology from a Multi-National View: A New Message for Teacher Education. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2004 (pp. 1524-1527). Chesapeake, VA:AACE.
Ó Murchú, D.(2003). INTEGRATING INTERNET-BASED MULTIMEDIA MATERIALS INTO THE MINORITY GAELIC LANGUAGE CURRICULUM A STUDENT-CENTERED APPROACH. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2003 (pp. 2679-2686). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Ó Murchú, D. & Freeman, E. (2003). Best Practice in designing interactive, on-line materials in Home Economics for second level students in Ireland. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2003 (pp.1036-1039).Chesapeake,VA:AACE.
Weber, R., Freeman, E., Ó Murchú, D. & Kumpulainen, K. (2003). A Global Assessment: Comparative Analysis of Science Curriculum & Technology Integration Knowledge of Preservice and Inservice Teachers. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2003 (pp. 1256-1259). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Ó Murchú, D. & Sorensen, E.K. (2003). ”Mastering” Communities of Practice across Cultures and National Borders. In the Proceedings of The 10th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, held September 23-26, 2003 at Madingly Hall, Cambridge, UK. In Gaskell, A.&andTait,A.(2003): Collected Conference Papers. The Open University in the East of England, Cintra House. ISBN 0 7492 6676 7
Sorensen, E.K. & Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Online Learning Communities of Practice: The Challenge of Design across Cultures and National Borders. In the Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE 2003), held in Badajoz, Spain, December 3-6, 2003. http://www.formatex.org/micte2003/finallist.html
Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Technology, Language and Inclusion of children with Specific Learning Difficulties. A Journey of Enlightenment and Possibilities in a multi-lingual Primary School Environment. UNESCO International Conference, Pax Culturis, Carmarthen, Wales.
Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Does Good Practice in E-Learning Mirror Good Practice in Classrooms. IADIS e-Society, Lisbon, Portugal.
Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Cultivating a Vibrant Community of Practice Through Technology Enhanced Learning in a Minority Language, Primary School in Ireland. IEEE, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. ICALT, Greece.
Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Mentoring, Technology and the 21st Century’s New Perspectives, Challenges and Possibilities for Educators. 2nd Global Conference, Virtual Learning & Higher Education, Oxford, UK.
Ó Murchú, D. (2003). Pre-Service Teachers and the Irish Language. Centre for Applied Language Studies Conference. University of Limerick. Ireland. http://www3.ul.ie/llcc/cals/english/newsletters/calsnewsletter2.pdf
Ó Murchú, D. (2002). Dearcadh agus Peirspictíocht úr na Mac Léinn Ollscoile ar mhúineadh agus ar fhoghlaim na Gaeilge i gcoitinne in Éirinn. Comhdháil IRAAL (Cumann na teangeolaíochta Feidhmí ), Limerick.
Ó Murchú, D. (2002). Multimedia and Language learning does it work? ITTE, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Ó Murchú, D. (2002). Beware of the Tipping Point and Hardware Saturation in Schools. EDEN 2002, Granada, Spain.
Ó Murchú, D. (2002). Internationalisation Innovation, IT and the Gaelic Language in Teacher Education – Preparing Students for the Challenges of the 21st Century. Sweden.
Ó Murchú, D. (2002). The Numerical and Literary Six-Year Old, 125 IQ Dyslexic Explores IT and Opens Up New Avenues of Thought and Areas of Practical Experience for In-Service Education in a Bi-Lingual Environment. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2002 (pp. 2261-2265).Chesapeake,VA:AACE. http://www.editlib.org/p/17647
Ó Murchú, D. & Mac Conmara, S & Allen, J. (2002). ‘Cluain Cumhra’, Luibheanna agus Leigheas in Iarthar Luimnigh agus in Albain. ISBN 0-9540545-0-4
Ó Murchú, D. (2001). Todhchaí na Gaeilge agus na teicneolaíochta (na féidireachtaí). Symposium SIP, NCTE, Dublin.